Alivia Marie was born on 8*3*09 at 11:23 am:) She came in at 7.5 lbs and 20 inches long. She has dark hair and we definitely see our Addelyn in her, but make no mistake she is her own person. A very good baby!!! Addelyn was more of a challenge that's for sure. Life is great with two children. Addelyn loves her baby sister and wants to be a part of everything we do. I love to see the bonding that is going on between my two beautiful babies! Here are some pictures of our beautiful Alivia. She is such a joy to have in our home already! We love u Alivia!
Tesla Stocks Price Now
On average they anticipate Teslas stock price to reach 68548 in the next
year. Cathie Woods Ark Invest has now sold more than 260 million of Tesla
stock ...
3 years ago